General Info

General Info

stack_of_books_-_publication_and_medical_writing_350x277The Canadian Gynecology Institute of Chinese Medicine (CGICM) was established in 2011 and their first publication was posted in the Fall of that year. The institute was created as a resource for TCM practitioners that want to specialize in gynecology and obstetrics. Along with offering courses in TCM gynecology, CGICM’s magazine, The Journal of Chinese Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics, aims to improve the practice of TCM gynecology and support women’s health. Each article is peer reviewed, edited and approved by experts. The magazine publishes professional articles focusing on the clinical and practical aspects of TCM gynecology and obstetrics to sustain women throughout all phases of their lives. We welcome all article submissions. Click on the link below to view a volume.

Editorial Archives

Click on the links below to view any article:

The Journal of Chinese Medicine Gynecology & Obstetrics, Vol. 1

Editorial Board

All articles, including controversial articles, are reviewed by the board, but please note the opinions expressed in the editorial and advertising material are those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of CGICM, the Editorial Advisory Board members, or the Publisher, Editors, and the staff of Women’s Health and Chinese Medicine.

Yuxiang Wang, R.Ac, R.TCMP
Editor in Chief
Executive Director
The Canadian Gynecology Institute of Chinese Medicine

Bing Han, Professor
Honorary Editor in Chief
Chair of Gynecology committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies

Caroline Prodoehl, R.Ac, R.TCMP
The Canadian Gynecology Institute of Chinese Medicine