Author Instruction

Dear Author,

To promote the academic exchange of Chinese medicine and to make a contribution to women’s health, The Journal of Chinese Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics magazine will be posting its inaugural publication in the Fall of 2011. Chinese medicine practitioners who submit articles to The Journal of Chinese Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics should include contact information and an introduction to their background in gynecology in order for readers to recognize their knowledge base as well as to promote their clinic.

We are most interested in articles about:

  • The study of menstrual diseases and gynecological infections
  • Studies on methodology in gynecological and obstetric research
  • New achievements in the theoretical and clinical fields of TCM gynecology
  • Case studies for difficult cases

The focus of the papers should be on the practical aspect of TCM gynecology or obstetrics and written in a less formal style for straightforward study and implementation of practice. The use of figures and tables is encouraged. Papers should be written in English and be about 1000-3000 words. They should be submitted along with a 300 word extract and a 50 word author introduction. Please submit to:

Canadian Gynecological Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Canadian Branch of TCM Gynecology Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies

Phone: (416) 644-1937
