Apr 13, 2015 | Selected Topics, TCM Information, varicose veins
TCM & Varicose Veins, Vulvar Varicosities, and Hemorrhoids Believe it or not, according to Chinese Medicine, varicose veins, vulvar varicosities, hemorrhoids, and organ prolapse all have a very similar differentiating pattern: Qi Sinking. There are two basic...
Mar 30, 2015 | Pregnancy, Selected Topics, TCM Information
Ectopic pregnancy is an implantation of an embryo anywhere outside the uterus. Often times this occurs in the fallopian tubes but can also occur in the ovaries, cervix, or abdomen. Predisposing Factors Not many people...
May 13, 2013 | Prolapse, TCM Information
Uterine prolapse is the sinking and falling out of the uterus. It can be mild, when symptoms are generally only felt with exertion or exercise, or severe when the uterus can be seen falling out of the vagina. Prolapse occurs when the muscles, ligaments and other...
May 6, 2013 | Postpartum, Pregnancy
Postpartum Depression is often not talked about. Studies are showing that up to 50%-80% of new mothers have some sort of emotional changes or mood swings postpartum, lasting up to 10 days post-delivery. Estimates of 10%-20% of women continue on to develop postpartum...
Oct 15, 2012 | Cancer, Selected Topics
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor of the breast, most often seen in women. Breast cancer most often begins in the duct lining or in the lobule lining. As you can see from the above picture, the breast is infiltrated with lymph nodes. These lymph nodes connect to...