Apr 6, 2015 | Esthetics services, Selected Topics, TCM Information
Did you know that we offer cosmetic acupuncture? Here at CGICM not only do we treat women’s health concerns, we also treat a wide variety of other conditions as well, including skin and cosmetic concerns as well as age-related symptom prevention. Traditional...
Oct 8, 2012 | Cancer, Selected Topics
Cancer is one of the leading worries in America today. What most people don’t know is that Chinese medicine can help. It can help eliminate the disease, improve immunity and reduce the side effects of western medicine treatments. This will be the start of another...
Jun 6, 2012 | HPV- Human Papillomavirus, Selected Topics, TCM Information, Toronto, Workshops
Contents: Introduction : Chinese Herbs which are anti-HPV and boost immunity Dietary remedies for HPV infection, latent HPV infection and HPV infection without visible lesions Integrated approach to genital warts Integrated approach to pre-cancer and cancer of Cervix...