Jul 16, 2019 | Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, continuing education, Genitourinary Infections and STI's, Infections (of the Genitourinary Tract)
An in depth review of the treatment of vaginal infections with Chinese Medicine Gynecology. This series of articles is written to benefit Chinese Medicine Practitioners. Topics include Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomonal Vaginitis, Candidiasis (yeast infections), Inflammatory and Atrophic Vaginitis.
Jun 26, 2019 | Chinese Herbs, continuing education, Courses, Genitourinary Infections and STI's, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Yeast Infections – Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (This blog on Vulvovaginal Candidiasis is written primarily in the interest of Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists. For a more patient focused article on this topic, please see our...
Jun 14, 2019 | Chinese Herbs, continuing education, Courses, Genitourinary Infections and STI's, Healthy Lifestyle Choices/Wellness, TCM Gynecology Courses, TCM Information, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Trichomonal Vaginitis Trichomonal Vaginitis is among the most common sexually transmitted infections. Risk factors include multiple sexual partners and not using condoms during sex. Trichomoniasis (tric causes a foul-smelling vaginal discharge, genital itching and...
Jun 3, 2018 | Announcements, Fertility, Past Workshops, TCM Gynecology Courses, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Continuing Education Vacation – a Gift of Learning in Paradise Yuxiang Wang will be leading a continuing education vacation in Mexico from November 26th to December 3rd, 2018. Yuxiang is dedicated to improving TCM Gynecology in North America. She teaches online...
Sep 12, 2017 | TCM Information, Thermography, Toronto
Yuxiang Wang, R,TCM is fascinated with the applications of Thermography for Chinese medicine diagnosis. You can read more about her journey in the this blog. Her research led her to a company in China that has produced software that can analyze thermographic images...