May 18, 2015 | Menopause, TCM Information, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Have you considered acupuncture for menopause? Menopausal transition is a disruptive period for many women. It is characterized by a varying degrees of somatic changes that are produced when ovarian functioning ceases. Without understanding the change and taking...
Apr 13, 2015 | Selected Topics, TCM Information, varicose veins
TCM & Varicose Veins, Vulvar Varicosities, and Hemorrhoids Believe it or not, according to Chinese Medicine, varicose veins, vulvar varicosities, hemorrhoids, and organ prolapse all have a very similar differentiating pattern: Qi Sinking. There are two basic...
Jun 24, 2013 | TCM Information
The study of women’s diseases, as in Western Medicine, is a field of study on its own. While the syndrome differentiations and treatment principles often stay in line with Traditional Chinese Medicine differentiations and principles, the diagnosis and sometimes the...
Mar 11, 2013 | Food and Healthy Eating, Menopause
All of a sudden it feels like someone turned up the heat and aimed it right at you. Your skin starts to glisten and glow, your cheeks flush red and you try not to be too obvious taking of extra layers and fanning yourself with the closest piece of paper you could...
Apr 25, 2012 | Acupuncture, Selected Topics, Weight loss
Acupuncture & Obesity – This paper was originally written by the doctoral Professor, Zhongchen Zhang, from the Department of Traditional Therapy of University City Hospital, Guangdong Province Hospital ofTCM. OnApril 17, 2011, CSCMA held an academic seminar...