To continue with our practitioner meet-and-greet, next is one of our most dynamic practitioners: Jessica Rea.


As long as I have known Jessica, she has been passionate about alternative medicine.  She has a drive such as I have never seen to learn more about effective and natural ways of treatment, and to convey what she has learned in an approachable way for everyone.


What we Appreciate Most about Jessica Rea

Jessica has an unflinching dedication to alternative medicine.  She is continuously striving to make it accessible to everyone, working with each individual lifestyle to find ways for people to be happy and healthy.

Jessica’s Classes: one of Jessica’s primary areas of interest is pregnancy related health.  She gives free monthly classes that educate practitioners and soon-to-be parents on labor support and acupressure for labor pains.


The Bottom Line

Jessica Rea is a kind, compassionate, caring, and driven Registered Acupuncturist and TCM Practitioner.  She works long and hard to make Chinese Medicine accessible to everyone.  She is on a mission to heal the mind, body, and spirit and better yet to teach everyone these connections so they have a better understanding of how to heal themselves.


Jessica is on Facebook here, and so is CGICM here.  “Like” them both to get automatic updates!

Caroline Prodoehl, R.Ac, R.TCMP