Apr 13, 2015 | Selected Topics, TCM Information, varicose veins
TCM & Varicose Veins, Vulvar Varicosities, and Hemorrhoids Believe it or not, according to Chinese Medicine, varicose veins, vulvar varicosities, hemorrhoids, and organ prolapse all have a very similar differentiating pattern: Qi Sinking. There are two basic...
Sep 22, 2014 | Chinese Herbs, Prolapse, Selected Topics, TCM Information, varicose veins
There has been article after article written on certain foods and how they can be beneficial for health. But it is important to always remember BALANCE! To every action and benefit there is a reaction and a caution. Before you jump on any bandwagon, please know...
Jul 1, 2013 | Selected Topics, varicose veins
Recently, I have come across clients who are on some heavy-duty drugs. The most common at the moment is Prednisone, and while it is a savior for many people with debilitating symptoms, it can have some devastating side effects. The biggest problem is that once...