My, My, You Ask A Lot of Questions!

My, My, You Ask A Lot of Questions!

Questions! One of the things that people are most surprised about after their first intake at a TCM clinic is how many questions they are asked.  We ask questions about sweating, different kinds of pain, vision problems, bowel movements, diet, etc.  Why do we ask so...
TCM Babies

TCM Babies

Every parent knows how stressful and worrisome it is to have a sick baby, even if it is just with a cough or cold. Fortunately, TCM has treatment protocols for babies with coughs and colds that you can do yourself at home. For adults, coughs and colds are unpleasant...
The “Will” to Succeed

The “Will” to Succeed

Will-Power and New Years. What do they have in common? With the coming of the New Year some people make new resolutions, some renew their resolutions, some reinstate their resolutions that were quickly dropped the previous year, and some just don’t make any...
Love: ‘Tis the Season of the Heart

Love: ‘Tis the Season of the Heart

    When we think of the Heart, generally we think about the organ in the upper-left side of our chest that propels blood through our systems.  In Chinese Medicine, the Heart means so much more!  Heart is also ‘innermost being; mind; feeling, intention;...
Chronobiology & Chronotherapeutics

Chronobiology & Chronotherapeutics

What is chronobiology??  Basically, it is the study of biological rhythms.  Everywhere we look there are rhythms, from the ocean’s tides and seasons, to our heartbeats and breath, we are alive because of ebb and flow – yin and yang.  (all references taken from Liu...
Food as Medicine

Food as Medicine

Food. Think about it….  We are ALIVE! What does it take to be alive?  We need skin, bones, nerves, muscles, blood, organs, brains, Qi, etc, etc. How do we make these things?  What we EAT makes these things and ensures their proper functioning. What does this mean? ...