The Sticky Truth about Ear Seeds

The Sticky Truth about Ear Seeds

Chinese Medicine believes that there are microcosmic areas on the body that reflect the whole.  By sticking seeds to acupuncture points in the ear, treatment can be sustained throughout the week.  Ear seeds come from the theory of auricular acupuncture.  Chinese...
Diagnosing a Woman

Diagnosing a Woman

*Note: the diagnosis of ‘crazy’ is excluded in this article for many reasons, mostly because women are beautiful and their intricacies deserve more credit… which is why both Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine have gynecology as a field unto...
TCM & Acupuncture FAQ

TCM & Acupuncture FAQ

Over the past month or so I’ve met quite a few people who are new to Chinese Medicine (TCM).  Their first reaction to my profession has been a slight slinking back in their posture, a wary look in their eyes, and a worried look on their face.  Their first...
TCM & Prednisone

TCM & Prednisone

Recently, I have come across clients who are on some heavy-duty drugs.  The most common at the moment is Prednisone, and while it is a savior for many people with debilitating symptoms, it can have some devastating side effects.  The biggest problem is that once...