Jul 16, 2019 | Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, continuing education, Genitourinary Infections and STI's, Infections (of the Genitourinary Tract)
An in depth review of the treatment of vaginal infections with Chinese Medicine Gynecology. This series of articles is written to benefit Chinese Medicine Practitioners. Topics include Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomonal Vaginitis, Candidiasis (yeast infections), Inflammatory and Atrophic Vaginitis.
Jun 26, 2019 | Acupuncture, Courses, Herbal Medicine, Menopause, TCM Gynecology Courses, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Continuing Education in Mexico with Yuxiang Wang, R.TCMP, R.Ac (Ontario, Canada) on Treating Menopausal Symptoms for Acupuncturists and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners. Save the Date for a weeklong intensive from Nov 4-11th, 2020 (Note Change of Date) in...
Jun 4, 2019 | Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, continuing education, Courses, Genitourinary Infections and STI's, Infections (of the Genitourinary Tract), Practitioners, Traditional Chinese Medicine
(This blog on Bacterial Vaginosis is written primarily in the interest of Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists. For a more patient focused article on this topic, please see our page https://cgicm.ca/what-we-treat/infections/bacterial-infection/ ) Yuxiang...
Mar 2, 2019 | Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, continuing education, Past Workshops, TCM Gynecology Courses, Toronto, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Integrated Gynecology- a 30 hour continuing education course for Registered TCM Practitioners and Acupuncturists with Yuxiang Wang,R.Ac,R.TCMP, starts on April 16th,2019. This 10 week integrated gynecology course will run for consecutive Tuesday mornings from...
Jul 31, 2017 | Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Courses, Dysmenorrhea- Menstrual Pain, Toronto
Menstrual Pain, Dysmenorrhea, is one of the most common gynecological problems among women in their reproductive years. This article is a review of various underlying causes of menstrual pain and cramps. It is written for the general public (including those suffering...
Oct 19, 2016 | Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Menopause, Toronto
Are you seeking menopausal relief? Do your hot flashes come at the worst possible moments? Are you having difficulty sleeping or keeping an even keel? Menopausal transition is a disruptive period for many women. You are not alone. A women has entered menopause after...