Jul 31, 2017 | Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Courses, Dysmenorrhea- Menstrual Pain, Toronto
Menstrual Pain, Dysmenorrhea, is one of the most common gynecological problems among women in their reproductive years. This article is a review of various underlying causes of menstrual pain and cramps. It is written for the general public (including those suffering...
Jun 20, 2017 | Courses, Dysmenorrhea- Menstrual Pain, Practitioners, Workshops
Skyrocket your clinical success. Study Online with Yuxiang Wang, R.TCMP on Sunday November 5th, 2017. Are you looking for Post Graduate Training in Chinese Medicine Gynecology? Are you a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner and passionate about giving the best,...
Apr 6, 2015 | Chinese Herbs, Dysmenorrhea- Menstrual Pain, Menstrual Health and Illnesses, Pain, Selected Topics, Stress, TCM Information
Period Cramps – Relief with Chinese Medicine According to statistics, anywhere between 40%-80% of women experience period cramps. Whether it is the lower end or the higher end of that statistic, that is a lot of women! And for those women who would rather not...
Jan 21, 2013 | Dysmenorrhea- Menstrual Pain, Emotional Health, Menstrual Health and Illnesses, Pre Menstrual Syndrome
Women and their inner workings. In our journey with life, if we pay attention we see the ebb and flow, the coming and going, the ups and downs, the ins and outs, the here and there… the yin and yang of the constant balancing our bodies and minds. The way our bodies...