My Baby is Beautiful, Why am I so Sad!?

My Baby is Beautiful, Why am I so Sad!?

Postpartum Depression is often not talked about. Studies are showing that up to 50%-80% of new mothers have some sort of emotional changes or mood swings postpartum, lasting up to 10 days post-delivery.  Estimates of 10%-20% of women continue on to develop postpartum...
My, My, You Ask A Lot of Questions!

My, My, You Ask A Lot of Questions!

Questions! One of the things that people are most surprised about after their first intake at a TCM clinic is how many questions they are asked.  We ask questions about sweating, different kinds of pain, vision problems, bowel movements, diet, etc.  Why do we ask so...
Is It Getting Hot in Here?

Is It Getting Hot in Here?

All of a sudden it feels like someone turned up the heat and aimed it right at you.  Your skin starts to glisten and glow, your cheeks flush red and you try not to be too obvious taking of extra layers and fanning yourself with the closest piece of paper you could...
Love: ‘Tis the Season of the Heart

Love: ‘Tis the Season of the Heart

    When we think of the Heart, generally we think about the organ in the upper-left side of our chest that propels blood through our systems.  In Chinese Medicine, the Heart means so much more!  Heart is also ‘innermost being; mind; feeling, intention;...